(versión en español abajo)
When Gossip Girl first started, I thought it was one of the best series I had ever seen. The dialogues were intelligent, the clothes were a new step, and the characters were mythical: Blair, Chuck… I always wanted them to be together, so evil and twisted. The rest of the characters were quite typical: the handsome sportsman (Nate), the blonde (Serena), the poet/writer (Dan), the little sister who wants to stand out (Jenny)… They were not perfect, but they were entertaining. Though I always thought Rufus was too young to have two teenage children.
When Gossip Girl first started, I thought it was one of the best series I had ever seen. The dialogues were intelligent, the clothes were a new step, and the characters were mythical: Blair, Chuck… I always wanted them to be together, so evil and twisted. The rest of the characters were quite typical: the handsome sportsman (Nate), the blonde (Serena), the poet/writer (Dan), the little sister who wants to stand out (Jenny)… They were not perfect, but they were entertaining. Though I always thought Rufus was too young to have two teenage children.
/// Contains spoilers!///
As in Sex and the City the fifth character is New York City, in Gossip Girl one of the leading elements were the clothes. Mothers who told their daughters what to wear, masked balls where diamond bracelets got lost, pyjama parties (or soirées, as Blair prefers) that included dressing in the most expensive outfits, and lines like “Yes! You are not pregnant! That’s great! I’d never know what to wear to a parent hearing!”
Nevertheless, from the second season the series started to get seriously worse. Those characters that were just ok began to have behaviours that soon made them insufferable. It was a good idea that Jenny entered the design world, but her decision to play the victim all the time was a huge mistake. Her style evolution was remarkable, I really liked how they transformed her from daddy’s girl into the bad girl. She no longer was the little kid who wanted to be part of the Upper East Side elite at any price, even if it meant being Blair’s slave. But the drug problems, skipping school, leaving home without her dad’s permission, and her “I don’t care, I’m the best” pose made her a stupid girl. She lies to everybody and she does anything to get what she want, even if it means hurting the people that love her. She wants to steal Serena’s boyfriend? All right, she doesn’t mind that Serena was the only one who helped Jenny when Blair and her followers took advantage of her.

Serena was cool. She was a free spirit, she didn’t care that much about clothes (in spite of the fact that she wore Burberry trenches), and she was cheerful. There wasn’t a single chapter in season 3 in which she didn’t whined and used that “nobody understands me” tone of voice. According to her, Rufus lies to everyone, she was to look for her father… She is quite stupid now. And all the pains are always Nate’s fault, who only tries to help her. Actually, Nate is the only character that has gotten better; he’s the only one with common sense.
Dan and Vanessa are going out, and everything points to a possible comeback with Serena (at least according to season 3's final episode). I never liked Vanessa, I don't know why. She's a little blah.
And Chuck and Blair… let’s say they survive. Blair’s wickedness is not that cruel anymore, and Chuck has gotten softer. The relation between the two of them is the only good thing in the series, because the rest of subplots are so typical that result tedious. Vanessa goes to Haiti for three months, and that affects her relationship with Dan. Chuck’s uncle wants to steal his hotel. Serena’s father comes back from God-knows-where to get his ex-wife back and uses fake medical recipes to do so. Fine… That’s all they got? The tricks they are using to produce more episodes are so typical that I only kept watching the series because it had become a tradition. There are some cheap tricks TV shows use, I’ve made a list pointing out which ones has Gossip Girl used.
Typical cheap tricks TV series use…
- A secret brother comes into scene. Yes
- The missing mother comes back, though everyone thought she was dead. Yes
- Someone is a drug dealer, or someone gets into a jam with drugs. Yes
- A main character dies. No
- Everyone has gone out with everyone. Yes. (The only remaining couple whe have are Dan and Blair)
- One of the main characters kills someone. Yes.
- Someone ends up in jail. Yes
- A finale ends with someone being shot/hit by a car. Yes
- Someone runs to the airport to confess his/her love. No
- The poor marries the rich. Yes
- One of the members of the family is a traitor who wants to steal everyone’s fortune. Yes
- One of the characters was secretly married. No
- The children of a former couple get together. Yes
- Someone had had a child and hadn’t told anyone. Yes
As in Sex and the City the fifth character is New York City, in Gossip Girl one of the leading elements were the clothes. Mothers who told their daughters what to wear, masked balls where diamond bracelets got lost, pyjama parties (or soirées, as Blair prefers) that included dressing in the most expensive outfits, and lines like “Yes! You are not pregnant! That’s great! I’d never know what to wear to a parent hearing!”
Nevertheless, from the second season the series started to get seriously worse. Those characters that were just ok began to have behaviours that soon made them insufferable. It was a good idea that Jenny entered the design world, but her decision to play the victim all the time was a huge mistake. Her style evolution was remarkable, I really liked how they transformed her from daddy’s girl into the bad girl. She no longer was the little kid who wanted to be part of the Upper East Side elite at any price, even if it meant being Blair’s slave. But the drug problems, skipping school, leaving home without her dad’s permission, and her “I don’t care, I’m the best” pose made her a stupid girl. She lies to everybody and she does anything to get what she want, even if it means hurting the people that love her. She wants to steal Serena’s boyfriend? All right, she doesn’t mind that Serena was the only one who helped Jenny when Blair and her followers took advantage of her.
Serena was cool. She was a free spirit, she didn’t care that much about clothes (in spite of the fact that she wore Burberry trenches), and she was cheerful. There wasn’t a single chapter in season 3 in which she didn’t whined and used that “nobody understands me” tone of voice. According to her, Rufus lies to everyone, she was to look for her father… She is quite stupid now. And all the pains are always Nate’s fault, who only tries to help her. Actually, Nate is the only character that has gotten better; he’s the only one with common sense.
Dan and Vanessa are going out, and everything points to a possible comeback with Serena (at least according to season 3's final episode). I never liked Vanessa, I don't know why. She's a little blah.
And Chuck and Blair… let’s say they survive. Blair’s wickedness is not that cruel anymore, and Chuck has gotten softer. The relation between the two of them is the only good thing in the series, because the rest of subplots are so typical that result tedious. Vanessa goes to Haiti for three months, and that affects her relationship with Dan. Chuck’s uncle wants to steal his hotel. Serena’s father comes back from God-knows-where to get his ex-wife back and uses fake medical recipes to do so. Fine… That’s all they got? The tricks they are using to produce more episodes are so typical that I only kept watching the series because it had become a tradition. There are some cheap tricks TV shows use, I’ve made a list pointing out which ones has Gossip Girl used.
Typical cheap tricks TV series use…
- A secret brother comes into scene. Yes
- The missing mother comes back, though everyone thought she was dead. Yes
- Someone is a drug dealer, or someone gets into a jam with drugs. Yes
- A main character dies. No
- Everyone has gone out with everyone. Yes. (The only remaining couple whe have are Dan and Blair)
- One of the main characters kills someone. Yes.
- Someone ends up in jail. Yes
- A finale ends with someone being shot/hit by a car. Yes
- Someone runs to the airport to confess his/her love. No
- The poor marries the rich. Yes
- One of the members of the family is a traitor who wants to steal everyone’s fortune. Yes
- One of the characters was secretly married. No
- The children of a former couple get together. Yes
- Someone had had a child and hadn’t told anyone. Yes
Cuando empezó Gossip Girl, era una de las mejores series que había visto jamás. Los diálogos eran geniales, el vestuario marcó un antes y un después, y los personajes eran míticos: Blair, Chuck... Yo siempre quise que acabaran juntos, tan malvados y retorcidos. El resto de personajes eran más bien típicos: el deportista guapo (Nate), la chica rubia (Serena), el escritor incomprendido (Dan), la hermana pequeña que quiere destacar (Jenny)... No eran perfectos, pero daban juego. Aunque siempre me pareció que Rufus era demasiado joven para ser el padre de dos adolescentes.
/// Contiene spoilers!///
Igual que en Sexo en Nueva York el quinto personaje es la propia ciudad, en Gossip Girl uno de los elementos claves era la ropa. Madres que les decían a sus hijas qué debían llevar, bailes de máscaras en los que se perdían brazaletes, fiestas de pijama (o soirées, como prefiere Blair) que incluían una sesión de vestuario con las prendas más caras que pueda haber, y frases como: "¡Qué bien!!! ¡No estás embarazada! Nunca sabría lo que ponerme para un bautizo"
Sin embargo, a partir de la segunda temporada la serie empezó a empeorar estrepitosamente. Esos personajes que antes ni iban ni venían se hicieron cada vez más aburridos y comenzaron a tener comportamientos que pronto se me hicieron insoportables. Fue una buena idea que Jenny entrara en el mundo del diseño, pero que adoptara esa actitud victimista a los pocos capítulos fue un gran error. El cambio de look le vino de perlas, ya no era la niña que quería entrar en la élite del Upper East Side como fuera, aunque tuviera que arrastrarse y besarle los pies a Blair. Pero los líos con las drogas, las escapadas de casa, la pose "todo me importa un bledo y soy la mejor", la convirtieron en una chica insufrible. Miente a todo el mundo y hace lo que sea para conseguir lo que quiere, aunque haga daño a la gente que se preocupa por ella. ¿Que le quiere robar el novio a Serena? No hay problema, no importa que Serena fuera la única que la ayudó cuando Blair y sus súbditas le hacían la vida imposible.
Serena tenía su gracia. Era un espíritu más libre que los demás, no se preocupaba tanto por la ropa como Blair (aunque siguiera llevando trenchs de Burberry), y era alegre. En la tercera temporada no había capítulo que no pusiera morritos y ese tono de voz tipo "nadie me entiende". Que si Rufus es un mentiroso, que si tiene que ir a buscar a su padre... Ahora es bastante tontita. Toda la culpa es siempre de Nate, aunque intentara ayudarla. Ahora que lo pienso, Nate ha mejorado, parece el único que tiene un poco de sentido común. ¡Viva Nate!
Dan ahora sale con Vanessa, y todo apunta a que quiere volver con Serena (a juzgar por el último capítulo de la tercera temporada). Vanessa nunca me cayó muy bien, no sé por qué. Es un poco sosa.
En cuanto a Blair y Chuck, digamos que sobreviven. La maldad de Blair ya no es tan cruel, y Chuck se ha ablandado un poco. La relación entre ellos dos es lo único que tiene interés en la serie, porque el resto de subtramas son tan típicas que resultan tediosas: ¿Vanessa se va a Haití y su relación con Dan se ve afectada? ¿El tío de Chuck le quiere arrebatar su hotel? ¿Un padre que vuelve de la nada y quiere recuperar a su exmujer falsificando recetas médicas? En fin... Los "trucos" que están usando para continuar con la serie son tan predecibles que si he seguido viéndola era por la costumbre. Hay una serie de giros en la trama que utilizan muchas series, he hecho una lista, señalando los que han usado en Gossip Girl.
Típicos trucos que usan las series...
- Aparece un hermano secreto. Sí
- Vuelve la madre desaparecida, la cual creían que estaba muerta. Sí
- Alguien es traficante de drogas o se ve envuelto en un lío relacionado con ellas. Sí
- Muere un personaje principal. No
- Al final todos han sido novios entre ellos. Sí (Sólo falta que Dan y Blair se junten)
- Uno de los personajes principales mata a alguien. Sí
- Alguien acaba en la cárcel. Sí
- El último capítulo de alguna temporada acaba con alguien en el suelo después de haber sido atropellado/disparado. Sí
- Alguien va corriendo al aeropuerto para no perder a su verdadero amor. No
- El pobre se casa con el rico. Sí
- Uno de los familiares es un traidor que quiere arrebatarles la fortuna a todos. Sí
- Alguien ya estaba casado antes y nadie lo sabía. No
- Los hijos de una antigua pareja acaban juntos. Sí
- Alguien se va en busca de su padre. Sí
- Resulta que alguien había tenido un hijo y no se lo había dicho a nadie. Sí
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