I love jewellery. I have tons of bracelets, necklaces and rings. It's an addiction. Some women can't stop buying shoes, I can't stop buying little pieces of jewellery. I collect them. Today I'll talk about some of my favourite finds:
Me encantan los accesorios,joyas, pulseras, collares, anillos, etc. Es una adicción, debo de tener decenas de collares y pulseras. Algunas mujeres no pueden parar de comprar zapatos, yo no puedo parar de comprar pulseritas, nunca son suficientes. Hoy os presento varios descubrimientos que me encantan:
The Vamoose
These pom poms won my heart. They look like sea sponges. I found these creations at the Park and Cube blog. The designer is Kathryn Blackmore, and she draws and takes photos too. I love these pieces because they are inspired by the sailing world (after all, this blog has the word "playa" because of a certain reason), and it is done with such an elegance and good taste that I wouldn't have imagined. I used to create my own bracelets with rope of different colours, but it didn't look that good.
You can visit her blog here, and buy her creations at her Etsy shop.
Esos pompones ya me han convencido. Parecen esponjas de mar. Encontré estas creaciones en el blog Park and Cube. La diseñadora es Kathryn Blackmore, que también hace ilustraciones y fotografías. Me gustan mucho sus diseños porque tienen una clara inspiración marinera (después de todo, si el nombre de este blog contiene la palabra "playa" es por algo), pero con una elegancia y un buen gusto destacable. Yo solía hacerme unas pulseras con cabos de colores, pero no quedaban tan bien.
Podéis visitar su blog aquí, y comprar sus creaciones en su tienda Etsy.
Scout Holiday
I've already talked about Scout Holiday, it's just that these necklaces are so original and fun that I couldn't exclude them from this post. They remind me of the little flags at the fairs. Buy her designs at her Etsy shop.
Ya he hablado de Scout Holiday alguna vez, pero es que estos collares son tan geniales que tenía que ponerlos. Me recuerdan a las banderitas de las ferias. Podéis comprar sus diseños aquí.

I met Aurea at Madrid Fashion Week, and she showed me her designs. My favourite is the maskerade one, it looks great. The necklace you see above are made with vintage magazine clippings, which means that every necklace is one of a kind! Check her website here
I met Aurea at Madrid Fashion Week, and she showed me her designs. My favourite is the maskerade one, it looks great. The necklace you see above are made with vintage magazine clippings, which means that every necklace is one of a kind! Check her website here
Conocí a Aurea en Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week, donde me enseñó sus creaciones. Mi favorito el el colgante de la máscara, queda fenomenal. Los collares que veis arriba están hechos con recortes de revistas vintage, así que cada collar es único! Su página web aquí.
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