I'm not the kind of person that spends a lot of money in cosmetics. I only wear base, rimmel, and that's all. I don't like artificial colors, I prefer natural tones. The same happens with my hair. When I was little, I swore I would never dye my hair, even if it became totally white. Now that I've grown, I don't think that I could stand having white hair. I promise I won't dye my hair until it starts to whiten. I don't use many products, I just wash it with shampoo and conditioner, and then I dry it with the hairdryer. I'd prefer not using the hairdryer, but having wet hair can be a bad thing in winter. Nevertheless, now that it's almost summer, I can let my hair dry by itself. For me, it's one of the signs that summer is around the corner: having wet hair doesn't mean that I'll catch cold when I go out. The bad thing is that if I don't use the hairdryer, my hair gets very wavy and ends up looking like Otto's (the school bus driver from The Simpsons). There is a solution for that: hair straighteners.
I had never used a hair straightener until some months ago, in the YoDona magazine shooting. Natalia Bengoechea, a very good stylist and fashion editor, said confidently to the hairdresser: "Yes, straighten her hair". I was a little scared, I am not very keen on drastic changes. Nevertheless, the hairdresser achieved a great look and I loved the result. That day I decided I had to buy a hair straightener. Me, the one that couldn't understand that some of her friends got up 45 minutes earlier in the morning to straighten and brush their hair. I bought a Braun Precisionliner ($20 more or less). It's really good, and it just takes four or five minutes. I promised I would only use it once a week, as it can be bad for the hair. Anyway, every time I used it, I felt remorse. So when Stephanie from Franck Provost called me to invite me to a hydration treatment, I said yes. My hair deserved it. The treatment was great, very relaxing. They washed my hair and then applied heat to let the product work, and then I had my hair cut (just a little). They gave me a special serum for "dry and frizzy hair", with a smoothing effect. It works, I promise. It compensates the damage the straightener does.
It was nice spending the evening at Franck Provost. You know my theory on the hairdressers. You can detect the quality of a beauty salon with the magazines they have in the waiting area. Hello: Average, Glamour: Fine, Elle: Good, Vogue: Great. Well, they had Vogue in Franck Provost. The people were extremely nice, and I visited some shops as the salon is in one of my favourite places of Madrid, the Claudio Coello street. I went to Manoush (that shop is so sweet, it smells like strawberry bubblegum! And the clothes are totally dreamy. Lots of bows, pale pink...) and Isabel Marant (I was so happy because I bought a dress in Zara some months ago that looks exactly like a Marant dress I saw at the shop).
I had never used a hair straightener until some months ago, in the YoDona magazine shooting. Natalia Bengoechea, a very good stylist and fashion editor, said confidently to the hairdresser: "Yes, straighten her hair". I was a little scared, I am not very keen on drastic changes. Nevertheless, the hairdresser achieved a great look and I loved the result. That day I decided I had to buy a hair straightener. Me, the one that couldn't understand that some of her friends got up 45 minutes earlier in the morning to straighten and brush their hair. I bought a Braun Precisionliner ($20 more or less). It's really good, and it just takes four or five minutes. I promised I would only use it once a week, as it can be bad for the hair. Anyway, every time I used it, I felt remorse. So when Stephanie from Franck Provost called me to invite me to a hydration treatment, I said yes. My hair deserved it. The treatment was great, very relaxing. They washed my hair and then applied heat to let the product work, and then I had my hair cut (just a little). They gave me a special serum for "dry and frizzy hair", with a smoothing effect. It works, I promise. It compensates the damage the straightener does.
It was nice spending the evening at Franck Provost. You know my theory on the hairdressers. You can detect the quality of a beauty salon with the magazines they have in the waiting area. Hello: Average, Glamour: Fine, Elle: Good, Vogue: Great. Well, they had Vogue in Franck Provost. The people were extremely nice, and I visited some shops as the salon is in one of my favourite places of Madrid, the Claudio Coello street. I went to Manoush (that shop is so sweet, it smells like strawberry bubblegum! And the clothes are totally dreamy. Lots of bows, pale pink...) and Isabel Marant (I was so happy because I bought a dress in Zara some months ago that looks exactly like a Marant dress I saw at the shop).
No soy el tipo de persona que se gasta un dineral en cosméticos. Sólo uso base, rímmel, y ya está. No me gustan los colores artificiales, prefiero los tonos naturales. Con el pelo me pasa lo mismo. Cuando era pequeña, juré que nunca me teñiría el pelo, ni aunque me salieran canas. Ahora que ya soy un poco más mayor, me he dado cuenta que no me quedaría demasiado bien una melena totalmente blanca. Pero prometo no teñírmelo hasta que me salgan canas. Tampoco uso muchos productos para el cabello, simplemente me lo lavo con champú y acondicionador después, y lo seco con secador. Preferiría no usar el secador, pero tener el pelo mojado en invierno da un frío terrible. Sin embargo, últimamente dejo que se me seque al viento, y eso para mí es una señal de que el verano está cerca. Lo malo es que si no uso el secador, el pelo se me queda como el de Otto (el conductor del autobús del colegio de Los Simpsons). Pero hay una solución para eso: planchas alisadoras.
Nunca había probado cómo me quedaba el pelo alisado (lo tengo casi liso, pero no completamente) hasta la sesión de fotos para la editorial de YoDona. Natalia Bengoechea, fantástica directora de moda de la revista, le dijo muy decidida al peluquero: "Sí, alísale el pelo". Me dio un poco de miedo, porque esto de los cambios drásticos no me convencen mucho. Aún así, el peluquero consiguió que quedara genial y me encantó el resultado. Ese día decidí comprarme una plancha alisadora. Yo, la que no podía entender que algunas de mis amigas se levantaran 45 minutos antes por las mañanas para alisarse el pelo y peinarse. Me compré una Braun Precisionliner (60€ en El Corte Inglés, y 20€ en Amazon. Sí, me acabo de enterar de esa diferencia de precio. La compré en El Corte Inglés.), y la verdad es que va muy bien, se tarda sólo unos cinco minutos en alisar todo el cabello. He prometido no usarla más de una vez a la semana, porque el calor tan fuerte de las placas no es nada bueno para el pelo. De todas maneras, cada vez que la utilizo, me entran remordimientos. Por eso, cuando Stephanie me llamó para invitarme a un tratamiento de hidratación en Franck Provost, dije que sí. Mi pelo se lo merecía. El tratamiento está muy bien, es muy agradable, y el pelo se queda de maravilla. Me lavaron el pelo con varios champús hidratantes, y a continuación aplicaron calor para que actuaran. Luego me lo cortaron (sólo un poquitín). Me dieron un sérum para cabellos secos y encrespados, para contrarrestar los efectos del alisado. Lo uso siempre, y va bastante bien.
Fue muy agradable pasar un rato en el salón Franck Provost. Ya conocéis mi teoría sobre las peluquerías. Se puede detectar la calidad de una peluquería dependiendo de las revistas que tengan en la zona de espera. "¿Qué me dices?": Regular, "¡Hola!": Normal, "Glamour": Bien, "Elle": Mejor, "Vogue": Muy bien. Y bueno, en Franck Provost tenían varios Vogue. La gente era súper amable, y aproveché para ver algunas tiendas que hay por allí cerca, en Claudio Coello y Jorge Juan. Me pasé por Manoush (la tienda es muy dulce, huele a gominola de fresa! Y la ropa es "ideal": volantes, lacitos, y colores pastel), e Isabel Marant (me dio una alegría, porque hace unos meses me compré en Zara un vestido exacto a uno que tenían en la tienda).