At last we have news about Sofia's future film. She's working on a script titled "Somewhere". The story centers on a bad-boy actor (Stephen Dorff) stumbling through a life of excess at the Chateau Marmont. With an unexpected visit from his 11-year-old daughter (Elle Fanning), he is forced to reexamine his life.
Sofia's said she has been looking to make "an intimate story set in contemporary Los Angeles". Film will lense in L.A. and Italy in June and July. Focus CEO James Schamus said. "'Somewhere' will have all the witty, moving and empathetic qualities that characterize all her work."
At first it looks like the typical romantic film, but I'm sure that Sofia will add her "magic" touch and will create an amazing film. I can't wait to see it. At the moment I'm planning on watching Lost in Translation (again).
Sofia wearing the most amazing Dior dress I've ever seen. /// El vestido de Dior más bonito que he visto nunca.
Can you find her? /// ¿Dónde está Sofia?
credit 1 & 2(*Bianca*)
Sofia Coppola question & answer:
Q: What is your best fashion memory?
A: Sitting on Yves Saint Laurent’s lap at Dave’s for New Year’s when I was about 12.
Q: How did you first become friends with Marc Jacobs?
A: I saw pictures of his grunge collection when he was at Perry Ellis, when I was about 19 or 20.
I was visiting New York with my mom, and asked if we could go see it. Robert Duffy, Marc’s partner, met me and was nice enough to show me the collection and then Marc said “Hello”, and we started talking. We got along and had interests in common.
Q: What item would you never, ever wear?
A: I don’t like to say never, but I’m pretty sure I’d never wear a velour sweat suit.
Q: What are your all-time favourite films?
A: All that Jazz, Rumble Fish, Breathless, The Last Picture Show and Lolita.
(continue reading)
Unas preguntas a Sofia Coppola
Había visto unas fotos de su colección grunge cuando estaba en Perry Ellis, yo tendría unos 19 ó 20 años. Estaba en Nueva York de visita con mi madre y le pedí que fuéramos a verla. Robert Duffy, el socio de Marc, estuvo con nosotros y fue tan amable de enseñarme la colección, y entonces llegó Marc y dijo: "Hola", y empezamos a hablar. Nos llevamos bien y teníamos intereses comunes.
No me gusta decir nunca, pero estoy bastante segura de que nunca me pondría un chándal de terciopelo.
All that Jazz, Rumble Fish, Breathless, The Last Picture Show and Lolita.
(continuación de la entrevista, en inglés)
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