Some weeks ago I posted Mark Reay's interview, which I'm sure many of you enjoyed as he is a very funny and nice man, and he wasn't afraid of telling us everything that happens during those fabulous fashion weeks.
He also enjoyed answering my questions, and said that he would love to do a second part - this time more like a collaboration than an interview. Of course, I agreed happily.
So here you have the first part of all the rumours, accidents, gossip, laughes, cries and friends that took place on the fall/winter 2009/2010 season in exclusive for Miss at la Playa.
If you want to know why the photographers meow at Tanya, how can Karlie heat a sandwich, or what happens if you don't recognize Lara Stone, keep reading.
Backstage by Mark Reay
So once again Tanya Dziahileva - the happiest teenager in modelling - was a delight to see, and she was everywhere this season. Once I heard some strange sounds coming out of a group of photographers who were shooting her while she was getting her hair done. She was laughing and full of life- I didn’t fight the crowd and shot some other girls while I waited until the photographers moved on.
Tanya got up and smiled at me and I asked for a photo and she replied: “yes but you MUST"... and then she put her hand in front of my lens, and continued ..."you must meow like a kitten while shooting the photo otherwise no picture!" I laughed and meowed and her hand came away from the lens. Then it dawned on me the sound I had heard earlier.
A few days later while I was standing in the crowd watching a show, Tanya walked down the runway, pounding her heals into the cat walk, staring into the pit of photographers at the end of the runway without blinking, - dominating the runway. She got to the end of the platform- stopped posed, hands on hips a very confident look on her face and just before she turned, I shouted "MEOW!" I swear she smiled and people around me thought I was some crazy fool.
I wish I saw her more than just 2 weeks out of the year, but that’s better than nothing.
No to classical music at fashion shows! - a year ago it was Marc Jacobs with the 30 minutes long Rhapsody in Blue (the extended version), Zac Posen this year and even G-star!! Last September, after the G-Star show, I exclaimed to fellow attendee Perry Ferrel of Jane’s Addiction “What an opening number no?” (The Cult’s Nirvana) . Perry had a big smile for an answer. Yes, classical music is great but in its time and place which is not at a fashion show. It's such a let down when you hope to hear up beat, pumping music .
Marc Jacobs caught me off guard when I got there. First by being told that I was on the backstage list but when I arrived they told me that backstage had closed 90 mins ago. Man its always a gamble- get there early and they kick you out for being there too long, come an hour before the show and now I am 2 and a half hours late. But I got in anyways due to a great contact that always seems to look out for me.
“Lets do the time warp again…” Marc Jacobs meets The Rocky Horror Show, that’s what I thought when I saw 2 foot high hairdos (Marge Simpson was another thought) and CBGB’s/Dancetaria-era make up. The models were all dolled up and sitting on the floor of the 90 foot narrow corridor leading to the backstage area. I knew there were going to be big name girls, but with all that extreme styling I was totally lost, I didn’t know who was who. The first one I recognized was Magdalena (a face as unique as hers is hard to miss) so I started with her using just the light from the flood lights and not my flash. Then I saw another girl and I photographed her (with flash). I decided to be ballsy and ask “and who am I shooting?” She laughed and said “I know that with all this make up and hair styling its hard to tell right?" So that was Elsa - and to smooth over my undiplomatic approaching I asked her about a campaign I knew she had done for SportMax. We had a nice chat.

Then I approached another model whose identity I was equally mystified due to her almost Kabuki style make up and whacked hair. I asked her if I could take some shots- “sure” she said. I sat down opposite to her - knees almost touching and as I was adjusting the flash and getting ready to take the 2nd shot, I asked the same question: bad move. “That’s so fucking disrespectful. I know who you are MARK” UGH! At this point I could see a very unique feature: a large gap between her 2 front teeth (kinda like Magdalena’s jaw line) and immediately knew it was Lara Stone- who I had some ups and downs with a year ago - (see the last interview) I would have probably avoided her if I had known it was her as I was kinda intimidated. With the pleasant feeling evaporating of how cool she was at agreeing in the first place to accept my request and how we could have been perhaps friendly again; I tried vainly to explain myself, and then another unknown super model entered to ask her to get a smoke together. 5 mins later she walked by and knowing how cool a smiling shot of her would be, I asked gingerly - she snapped “no!”

Ah Karlie Koss… I was tempted to ask her if 2 years ago back in HS did she worry sometimes that she wasn’t so pretty in a conventional way (bet she wasn’t the prom queen). I still don’t get her look but that hasn’t stopped me from having a bit of a crush on her. Sometimes she appears confused or just a gawky teen. We “bonded” over the delicious BBQ on a biscuit at Proenza Schouler. Fortunately I spent the first 15 mins backstage eating off the buffet (and being in the right place at the right time) with a right hand holding an empty plastic cup as the friend of Lucca’s –Harper’s Bazaar Italia- opened a nice bottle of red wine. Then later I heard Hanne Gaby “Oh wine! I need a glass” while quickly moving to the table -didn’t have the heart to tell her it was emptied long ago – and the bottle was left behind as a cruel heartbreaker.
Back to Karlie, from across the make-up/hair table I saw poking out from under a napkin the delicious BBQ sandwich I just had, so I said to her "Good BBQ no?” She smiled and with big eyes agreeing said “Too bad it’s not hot” and then she picked up the curling iron in front of her and added “maybe this will help”

Runway models look interesting only after they fall - I actually love to see their expressions - often they recover and try to compose themselves and then they appear less robotic- actually alive and interesting. Two girls bit the dust at Hervé Leger.
Then I approached another model whose identity I was equally mystified due to her almost Kabuki style make up and whacked hair. I asked her if I could take some shots- “sure” she said. I sat down opposite to her - knees almost touching and as I was adjusting the flash and getting ready to take the 2nd shot, I asked the same question: bad move. “That’s so fucking disrespectful. I know who you are MARK” UGH! At this point I could see a very unique feature: a large gap between her 2 front teeth (kinda like Magdalena’s jaw line) and immediately knew it was Lara Stone- who I had some ups and downs with a year ago - (see the last interview) I would have probably avoided her if I had known it was her as I was kinda intimidated. With the pleasant feeling evaporating of how cool she was at agreeing in the first place to accept my request and how we could have been perhaps friendly again; I tried vainly to explain myself, and then another unknown super model entered to ask her to get a smoke together. 5 mins later she walked by and knowing how cool a smiling shot of her would be, I asked gingerly - she snapped “no!”
Ah Karlie Koss… I was tempted to ask her if 2 years ago back in HS did she worry sometimes that she wasn’t so pretty in a conventional way (bet she wasn’t the prom queen). I still don’t get her look but that hasn’t stopped me from having a bit of a crush on her. Sometimes she appears confused or just a gawky teen. We “bonded” over the delicious BBQ on a biscuit at Proenza Schouler. Fortunately I spent the first 15 mins backstage eating off the buffet (and being in the right place at the right time) with a right hand holding an empty plastic cup as the friend of Lucca’s –Harper’s Bazaar Italia- opened a nice bottle of red wine. Then later I heard Hanne Gaby “Oh wine! I need a glass” while quickly moving to the table -didn’t have the heart to tell her it was emptied long ago – and the bottle was left behind as a cruel heartbreaker.
Back to Karlie, from across the make-up/hair table I saw poking out from under a napkin the delicious BBQ sandwich I just had, so I said to her "Good BBQ no?” She smiled and with big eyes agreeing said “Too bad it’s not hot” and then she picked up the curling iron in front of her and added “maybe this will help”
Runway models look interesting only after they fall - I actually love to see their expressions - often they recover and try to compose themselves and then they appear less robotic- actually alive and interesting. Two girls bit the dust at Hervé Leger.
A little note: I shoot weddings and parties in addition to fashion shows and would love to travel some in the next months (and may be in Europe anyway this summer) so if any one out there would like me to make them look GLAM or just plain "drop dead gorgeous" send me an email and lets get talking! markreay66[at]
-Mark Reay.
Hace varias semanas publiqué la entrevista a Mark Reay, la cual estoy segura de que os gustó porque la verdad es que es una persona de lo más divertida y amable, y contó todo lo que pasa durante las fabulosas semanas de la moda. Él también disfrutó respondiendo a la entrevista, y me dijo que le encantaría hacer una segunda parte, pero más bien tipo colaboración. Por supuesto, yo acepté encantada.
Así que aquí tenéis la primera parte de todos los rumores, cotilleos, accidentes, risas, lloros y amigos que se sucedieron en la temporada otoño/invierno 2009/2010 en exclusiva para Miss at la Playa.
Si quieres saber por qué los fotógrafos le dicen "miau" a Tanya, cómo puede Karlie calentar un sándwich, o qué pasa si no reconoces a Lara, sigue leyendo.
Backstage, por Mark Reay
Una vez más a Tanya Dziahileva – la modelo más alegre del mundo – fue todo un placer verla, y estaba en todos lados esta temporada. En una ocasión oí unos sonidos extraños que provenían de un grupo de fotógrafos que la estaban fotografiando mientras la peinaban y maquillaban, ella se reía, estaba llena de vida. No me metí entre los fotógrafos y mientras esperaba a que se despejara fui a fotografiar a otras modelos.
Tanya se levantó después de un rato y le pedí hacerle una foto, a lo que ella respondió: “Vale, pero debes… - puso su mano tapando la lente de mi cámara y continuó diciendo – debes maullar como un gatito mientras me haces la foto, si no, ¡no hay fotos!” me reí e hice “miau” como un gatito y ella quitó la mano del objetivo de mi cámara. Entonces entendí el porqué de ese sonido que había oído antes.
Unos días más tarde, mientras estaba entre la gente viendo un desfile, Tanya apareció por la pasarela, caminando decididamente y mirando hacia la zona de fotógrafos, sin parpadear, dominando la pasarela. Llegó al final de la pasarela, se paró, posó sujetando las manos en la cintura con una Mirada arrebatadora, y justo antes de que se diera la vuelta, grité: “MIAU!!” Juro que se rió, aunque la gente a mi alrededor pensó que era un loco. Ojalá la viera más que esas dos semanas al año, pero es mejor que nada.
No a la música clásica en los desfiles! El año pasado fue Marc Jacobs con Rhapsody in Blue, la version extendida de 30 minutos, Zac Posen este año, e incluso G-Star! El pasado septiembre le dije a mi compañero Perry Ferrel de Jane’s Addiction: “Qué elección para la apertura, ¿no?” (Cult de Nirvana). Perry tenía una gran sonrisa en su rostro como respuesta. Sí, la música clásica es genial, pero en su momento y en su lugar, que no es un desfile. Es una decepción cuando esperas escuchar música marchosa y con ritmo.
Marc Jacobs me pilló desprevenido cuando llegué. Primero porque me dijeron que estaba en la lista de backstage, y segundo que cuando llegué resulta que el backstage había cerrado hacía ya una hora y media. Es siempre un tira y afloja: llegas pronto y te echan por quedarte demasiado tiempo, llegas una hora antes del desfile y resulta que llego dos horas tarde. De todas formas entré gracias a un buen contacto que tengo, siempre me busca en estos momentos.
Marc Jacobs y el Rocky Horror Show, eso es lo que pensé cuando vi los altísimos peinados (Marge Simpson fue también otro pensamiento en mi cabeza) y el maquillaje de la época de CBGB. Las modelos estaban todas sentadas en los pasillos del backstage. Sabía que iba a haber muchas modelos conocidas, pero con esos peinados y maquillajes tan extremos estaba completamente perdido, no sabía quién era quién. La primera que reconocí fue Magdalena (un rostro tan único como el suyo es difícil de confundir) así que empecé a hacerle fotos usando simplemente la luz de los neones en vez de mi flash. Luego le hice unas fotos a otra modelo (esta vez con flash) y decidí armarme de valor y preguntarle: “¿Quién eres?”. Se rió y dijo: “Sé que con todo este maquillaje y peinado es difícil de saber, ¿no?” Era Elsa, y para compensar mi falta de diplomacia le pregunté sobre una campaña que sabía que habí hecho para Sportmax. Tuvimos una buena charla.
Entonces me acerqué a otra modelo, la cual tampoco reconocía a causa del maquillaje casi estilo Kabuki. Le pregunté si le podia hacer una foto, y dijo: “Claro”. Me senté enfrente de ella – nuestras rodillas casi tocándose mientras ajustaba el flash y me preparaba a hacer una segunda foto- y le hice la misma pregunta, mala idea. “Eso es puñeteramente irrespetuoso, sé quién eres, Mark!” UGH! En ese momento pude ver un rasgo muy característico: una separación entre los dientes, y enseguida supe que era Lara Stone, con la cual había tenido ciertos altibajos la temporada anterior. La habría evitado de saber que era ella debido a que me sentía algo intimidado. Con la agradable sensación de lo genial que había sido al aceptar ser fotografiada, y la posibilidad de que volviéramos a ser amigos, me intenté explicar, pero fue en vano. Un segundo después apareció otra desconocida supermodelo para salir a fumar un cigarillo con Lara. Cinco minutes después Lara pasó por mi lado, y sabiendo lo genial que sería una foto de ella sonriendo, se lo pedí amablemente, a lo que ella respondió secamente: “¡No!”
Oh Karlie Kloss… Estuve a punto de preguntarle si dos años atrás se llegó a preocupar alguna vez de que ella no tenía una belleza convencional (apuesto a que no fue la reina del baile de promoción). Aún no entiendo su belleza, pero eso no me ha impedido que sea un poco mi amor platónico. A veces parece confusa, o una adolescente perdida. Una vez coincidimos en el backstage de Proenza Schouler. Afortunadamente yo había estado ya un buen rato cogiendo comida del buffet, y gracias a estar en el sitio adecuado en el momento justo, recibiendo un vaso de vino de un amigo de Lucca – Harper’s Bazaar Italia. Más tarde oí a Hanne Gaby: “Oh, vino! ¡Necesito un vaso!” mientras corría hacia la mesa. No tuve el coraje de decirle que ya se había acabado, y allí se quedó la botella como un cruel rompecorazones.
Volviendo a Karlie. La vi en las mesas de maquillaje/peluquería mientras desenvolvía de una servilleta un delicioso sandwich de barbacoa, los cuales yo había tenido el placer de probar anteriormente en el buffet. Así que me acerqué a ella y le dije: “Un buen sandwich, eh?” Sonrió con sus grandes ojos asintiendo, y dijo: “Una pena que no esté caliente” y entonces cogió un rizador de pelo que tenía enfrente y añadió: “Puede que esto sirva”.
Las modelos que desfilan están más interesantes cuando se caen – la verdad es que me encanta ver sus expresiones - se suelen levantar, recuperan la compostura pero de todas formas caminan de una forma menos robótica, verdaderamente vivos y animados. Dos chicas se cayeron en Hervé Leger.
Una pequeña nota: También fotografío fiestas y bodas además de desfiles, y pensaba viajar en estoe meses (en verano estaré en Europa de todas formas) así que si alguien quiere que les fotografíe, mandad un email a markreay66[arroba]
- Mark Reay
- Mark Reay
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